Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Chattering Class

I am getting tired of this argument:
Competence, of course, brings us back to Iraq. Apparently and unfortunately, President Bush is right that the Democrats have no "plan for victory." (Neither does he, of course. Nor, for that matter, do I. But I don't claim to have one. And I didn't start it.) For national security in general, the Democrats' plan is so according-to-type that you cringe with embarrassment: It's mostly about new cash benefits for veterans. Regarding Iraq specifically, the Democrats' plan has two parts. First, they want Iraqis to take on "primary responsibility for securing and governing their country." Then they want "responsible redeployment" (great euphemism) of American forces.

Older readers may recognize this formula. It's Vietnamization -- the Nixon-Kissinger plan for extracting us from a previous mistake. But Vietnamization was not a plan for victory. It was a plan for what was called "peace with honor" and is now known as "defeat."

Everybody wants Democrats to come up with a plan for Iraq when the Republicans don't have one either. Oh wait the Democrats do have a plan, Senator Joe Biden take it away:
There is a third way. The idea is to maintain a unified Iraq by decentralizing it and giving Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis their own regions. The central government would be responsible for common interests, like border security and the distribution of oil revenues. The plan would bind the Sunnis by guaranteeing them a proportionate share of oil revenues. It would increase economic aid but tie it to the protection of minority and women's rights and the creation of a jobs program. It would require a regional non-aggression pact, overseen by the U.N. Security Council. And it would allow us to responsibly withdraw most U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of 2007.

There is no silver bullet for "victory" in Iraq. In fact, victory may well be impossible to acheive. Get used to it. The Biden plan certainly seems reasonable enough for me. Vietnam was a tragic folly and so is Iraq. The sooner that is accepted, the sooner it can be fixed. Isn't not learning the lessons of history fun?



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