Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Very Petty Post

Every morning, before work, I like to have a banana. It settles my stomach and provides me with the energy needed to get my day going right. Since this week is a 3 day work week, I bought exactly 3 bananas for the week. (More than a banana in a day can lead to complications when you are on "the porcelian throne")

Much to my chagrin, my significant *other* ate one of my bananas this morning. This leaves me short one banana. And she knows that I need my bananas. I leave this message for her (even though she doesn't read this blog):

I will not forget this injustice. I may act like I have and pretend not to care, but I will have my revenge and it will be spectacular. So sleep with one eye open my friend, for I will be lying in wait...right next to you.



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