Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Colorful Dialogue

Apparently I have to go this team building workshop where everybody is assigned a color based on their personality type. Green is the reserved, self-asseured person. Blue is the emotional, in touch person. Orange is the life of the party, always talking person. Gold is the go getting, dedicated person. The shade of Brown, that is the skin tone of a certain Nepali, is a lazy, hungry, cynical person. (j/k on the last one)

Anyways, one of my coworkers really enjoyed the workshop when she went so she proceeded to babble about it for 15 minutes. She began to talk about an "orange" she knows who works with a "green." She was expounding on how well they work together, when this sentence came out: "I am just so surprised that two people of different colors can be such a good team and work so well with each other." At this point I lost it and couldn't stop laughing for the following reasons:
1. The colors thing is so insane and inane to begin with.
2. Her comment was steeped in irony for she had been taking about hiring quotas based on race no less than 5 minutes earlier.
3. She never realized what she had said after she said it.

I can't wait to take the workshop. I hope that I am brown.



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