Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

'We like you more than the blacks.'

This morning, I read an article in the Washington Post entitled, "States, Counties Begin to Enforce Immigration Law". Pretty standard stuff. Crackdowns on illegal immigration have gotten stronger in some towns in Virginia, hispanics feel persecuted, people get deported, etc. My opinion on illegal immigration is that good fences may make good neighbors, but a wall keeps out the foreign intruders who are leading the "Reconquista."
(Wipes off frothing spit that is foaming at mouth)

HA! Just kidding. I think that border policies needed to be strengthened and there needs to be a path to citizenship for illegals already in this country, because it's the right thing to do.

Anyways, the article did have this one revealing quote:
"It's tense, very tense," said Angeles Ortega-Moore, director of the Latin American Coalition in Charlotte. "It used to be everybody here loved the Latinos. They would say, 'We like you more than the blacks.' Now we're like the Big Bad Wolf."

First of all, I want to know who is the "They" in the second-to-last sentence. Employers? The Police? The general public? Whoever it is, it's disgusting.

When Latinos were willing to work for less-than-minimum wage, and could generally be abused for their labor while offered no rights, the people loved them. Employers especially, because they kept hiring them. When they start to complain about exploitation and become a bigger presence in the community, the call to kick them out begins. I'm sure the community loved "blacks" when they worked for free and were considered property. But then they became uppity and were no longer the most popular kids in the class.

Anyways, whose cheap labor should we domestically exploit next?



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