Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Want to Please You Secularly

So this article is on as part of a plaaned series on "America: Unzipped". This article is titled "One preacher's message: Have hotter sex; Minister Joe Beam says good Christian marriages walk on the wild side" and its about a Christian Preacher who encourages to embrace sex and drop inhibitions, make your semen taste better, etc.

Anyhoo their was one particular paragraph in this ariticle that truly has me question the writer's beliefs or writing ability. The passage in question deals with the rules that the preacher does establish in order to govern intercourse. We shall break it down:
There are rules many in the secular world reject. You have to be married.

Okay that seems reasonable. The secular world does tend to allow single people to have sex.
You have to be heterosexual.

Once again that seems fine. The secular world does not consider homosexual sex a bad thing. Here's where things start to get fishy.
Other prohibitions include no sex with animals, no incest, no lust for people other than your spouses, no adultery (and that includes consensual threesomes and group sex) and no porn, rape or prostitution.

Okay the only things that I see in that list that the secular world doesn't consider at least taboo are lust and porn. Other than that most in the secular world would surely agree with the no incest and no beastiality are good things.(Unless you are John Stossel) And as for rape and prostitution, last time I checked, those things are illegal in most areas that are governed under the establishment clause of the Constitution.

So the topic sentence of the paragraph is either poorly written or the author has know idea what the words "Secular World" mean.


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