Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Majesty of the Man Part V

The tripart genius of the Swiss Master:

1. Humanitarian

Just read what he has to say about the replay challenge at the US open:
Q. The other day you mentioned you don't like the instant replay system. Can you explain why.
ROGER FEDERER: Why I don't like it?

Q. Yes.
ROGER FEDERER: It's just not enough points, you know, that really make the difference. That money, we can use it for better causes than for, you know, challenges or whatever it is. It's only on the one or two biggest courts. It's different for the other guys, you know. They're not used to playing with these things.
For me of course it might be an advantage in the long run because I know how to handle those challenge calls, but I really don't think it's necessary. But, look, if the fans and the tournaments, they like it, look, it's not my problem, so...

Always thinking of the children. I donated to Unicef on Saturday. The most satisfying part was that in the memo line of the cheque, I got to write "For the children."

2. Tennis Player
Said Federer, "I always knew I was talented, I had potential. I'm shocked myself how well it's been going the last three, four years, not only compared to former great tennis players but now, especially, also other great athletes all over sports."

"He's just a genius with the racket," Navratilova said earlier in the day. "Probably at his best, he was better than anybody else at their best."

Roddick was asked what separates Federer from everyone else. He mentioned his ability to play big points, his amazing hand-eye coordination. And this:

"I think he sees the court a little bit differently," Roddick said.

And one day, history is likely to view Federer differently, too.

3. Man
A picture truly does say a thousand words:


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