Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bush just closes his eyes and thinks of the children

This exchange took place in a recent interview President Bush had with Bill O'Reilly:
O'REILLY: OK. Seven days a week — bang, bang, bang. You're in the most intense time — one of the most intense times in U.S. history. And then you're getting pounded day after day after day — pounded, pounded, pounded. How do you process that?

BUSH: I believe in what I'm doing. If I didn't believe in what I'm doing, I guess the pounding would end up affecting me. But when you believe in your soul, in the very fiber of your system, that taking on these extremists and radicals in the Middle East is necessary to have peace in the long run for our children, then you move on.

Boy being the President sounds worse than being in prison.



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