Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Great Moments In Nepali History: Episode X

Continued from Episode IX.

Revenge of the Sith

The Nepali knew that he must avenge the dishonor that his roommate had shown him in laughing at the Nepali's execution of his joke. The Nepali also knew that he didn't pay enough attention to the roommate's everyday habits, thus leaving him without the knowledge to best achieve his revenge in a spectacular and meaningful way. He called the one person he knew he could trust to help him, the roommate's girlfriend.

Together they schemed. The plans ranged from simple (get him a extra-hot burrito and wathc him eat it and suffer) to elaborate (an series of lies to get him to show up somewhere and stand him up) to cruel and unusual (pee on his bed, set fire to his computer, and break his guitars). Eventually they decided on putting shaving cream in one of the roomate's most precious possessions, his L.L. Bean hiking boots. The girlfriend originally wanted to put shaving cream in the roommate's bed but the journey from the chair to the top bunk of the bed would have been too arduous.

So they sprayed the Edge Shaving Gel into the hiking boots. When the roommate saw them, the roommate shrugged his shoulders and said, "Meh." The Nepali could tell that it was all an act. The roommate was devastated. His most precious possession defiled. The Nepali leaned back in his chair with a smile of satisfaction. Like the USSR in WWII, he had lost the initial battle, but he had won the war.

Moral of the story: Revenge is a dish best served cold. With a side of momos.



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