Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Great Moments in Nepali History: Episode IX

Return of the Jedi

The Nepali awoke with gleam in his eye and a fire in his belly. After quenching the fire with a burrito, the Nepali proceeded to start on his master plan for the day. He had already beaten Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) 5 times but today he was going to do something special. He was going to game the game.

In the game, which takes about 20 hours to complete, you play a jedi who doesn't know who he is. About 2/3 through the game, the player realizes that his character is dark jedi named Revan who was captured and brainwashed to try to be good again. The Nepali had decided to name his character Revan at the beginning of the game, thus making the revealing of the character's true nature less dramatic.

He played all day and by the evening, his joke was set. He called his roommate to watch the TV screen as it was about to happen. The Nepali pressed the button and his charater's companion started to speak, "Reven, you are Revan."

The roommate started to laugh. "You spelled it wrong. How many times have you played this game? And you still got the name wrong? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

The Nepali still thought it was funny, declaring his roommate to be stupid. Silently he swore revenge against his roommate.

To be continued...



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