Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Performance Evaluation

Just had my first performance evaluation. My supervisor said that she liked my sense of humor because it was so "real." Five minutes later, she asked what the paperclip made out of paperclips meant. I said, "It's a joke because the sum of the pieces form the whole which in turn resembles the individual of the pieces. It would be like a person made out of people."

She didn't get it. She thought I was trying to make a statement in that the ends of the paperclip paperclip didn't meet, thus saying something about the necessitiy for working as a team. I guess that joke wasn't "real" enough for her. She also refers to her parents in conversation as "Dad" and "Mom" without any aritcles, as in, "I talked to Dad earlier and he said I should switch to Verizion."
*Slams head against desk in frustration*
*Thinks of Nepal, immediately cheers up*



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