Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Definition of Non-Fiction

My supervisor was talking about what books she likes to read. She mentioned she enjoys "Christian Fiction", so I asked if she had read the "Left Behind" series. Left Behind is the immensely popular series where the rapture occurs and the people left behind have to fight the antichrist(who is the head of the UN) before Jesus returns to establish his kingdom on Earth. This was my supervisor's assessment of the books:

"What is great about the books is that they closely follow the scripture in the Bible and Revelations so there is a non-fiction aspect to the books. It also has interesting characters and monsters so I am kept up late at night reading it."

Revelations? Non-fiction? At best Revelations is a prophecy that has yet to come true; at worst it is a poorly written story that makes Dan Brown look like a great writer.

Apparently, there are also "Christian Mysteries" that my aunt likes to read. I think they mostly involve finding out who cucked stool in the holy water.



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