Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

On the Need for Educational Reform

Today, is donut day at the office. It happens every month where the boss goes and buys Krispy Kremes. As I was going to the back to get a donut today, a coworker jokingly stated that only employees who had worked on a certain project get donuts, and since I didn't work on it, I don't get any. However, I expalined that I had printed off a spreadsheet for the project this morning because someone was sick, so I get a donut. She scoffed and said that I was getting a donut by default and didn't really deserve one. I responded, "Those are the two sweetest words in the English language: de-fault." None of the six people in the room got the joke, and these people are all in their twenties.

I was referencing the classic Simpsons episode where Homer goes into space only because Barney drops out at the last minute because he starts drinking again.

Scientist: [resigned] Well, Homer, I guess you're the winner by default.
Homer: Default? Woo hoo! The two sweetest words in the English language: de-fault! De-fault! De-fault!

It's so frustrating to pull out these genius references only to have them go unappreciated. And what's even worse is the knowledge that any other Simpsons references will go unappreciated as well. This greatly reduces my humor repetoire. Therefore I propose, all episodes from seasons 1-11 of the Simpsons should be mandatory viewing in schools. This law should apply retroactively to people who have already graduated so that they don't miss out on the cultural touchstone that is The Simpsons. It is truly tragic that something so funny, so clever, so genius could go unappreciated.



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