Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Ultimate In Honors

Barack Obama(D-Illinoise) (Not a typo) campaigned with Maryland Senate candidate Democrat Ben Cardin in College Park yesterday. While he was there, he received perhaps the greatest gift of all, being in some girl's Facebook photo:
"I've just always admired everything Mr. Obama says," said Kate Turner, a Maryland student who attended the rally on her 19th birthday just to hear him. "I'm excited about politics because he's involved."

Turner lost her sandal chasing Obama after he left the stage. She wanted a birthday picture with him.

"It's your birthday?" said the senator. "Where's your shoe, though?"

Cardin will get her vote, Turner says, but Obama will enjoy a far more personal honor. The snapshot of Obama and her will become her new Facebook picture.

I'm sure that he is excited that Kathleen's wall will now consist of posts such as:
"Wow you met Obama. That is teh nuts."
"Barack is so hot. I'd let him filibuster up my skirt."
"Man, I was soooo wasted lst nite. Whoze that guy in your pic? He's old."
"I found your sandal. I have added it to my collection. --B. O. (BTW That man in your photo is quite stunning."



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