Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Clash of the Titans

This question has been bugging me for a while: Who would win a fight: the Nepali or Mike Ditka? Let's break it down:

Physical Prowess

Ditka: 66 years old, 6'3" 250 pounds.

Nepali: 5'11"(not 6 feet, no matter what how much that is insisted), slightly chubby

Advantage: Ditka

Current Job

Ditka: Football analyst for ESPN. Spends most of the day arguing with Michael Irvin over who is better: Da Bears or "TO and my 'Boys."

Nepali: Ruler over all that he sees and then some.

Advantage: Nepali

Greatest Acoomplishment

Ditka: Coaching the Bears to a Super Bowl title in 1985.

Nepali:Defeating Darth Malak and taking over the Starforge in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Advantage: Ditka

Mental Prowess

Ditka: Graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. Traded all his draft picks for Ricky Williams.

Nepali: Has memorized every Jackie Chan movie.

Advantage: Nepali

Debating Tactics

Ditka: "See that! That's your IQ buddy, ZERO!"

Nepali: "You're being Naive!"

Advantage: Ditka

Greatest Talent

Ditka: Hall of Fame tight end.

Nepali: Could beat me at Halo every time.

Advantage: Nepali

Languages Spoken

Ditka: English, Footballese

Nepali: English(sometimes), Nepali, some ethnic dialect, Hindi, Spanish

Advantage: Nepali

Facial Hair

Ditka: Really awesome moustache.

Nepali: Sometimes gets a little fuzzy after a few weeks of not shaving.

Advantage: Ditka

Overall, I can't decide. It's been vexing me all week. Can anyone help me out?



At 9:35 AM, Blogger albatross said...

the Nepali is also partial to Aplleton's ten year aged Jamaican rum

still advantage Nepali


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