Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Joe Biden/ Chuck Hagel '08

Now that the 2006 midterms are over, it is time to focus on the next race, mainly the race for President in 2008. With the news that Republican Chuck Hagel is considering running, I am officially announcing my support for a bipartisian Joe Biden (D-DE)/Chuck Hagel (R-NE) Presidential ticket. Joe Biden has more experience than Chuck so he would run as the President, but in reality, they would be like "Co-Presidents."

While the idea of two of the more moderate candidates running for office may not excite the bases of either party, I think the American people would welcome their reasoned tones as a refreshing change to the current discourse that dominates the political landscape. Their experience and integrity would serve America well both domestically and abroad. Biden/Hagel: Making America Great in 2008. (Don't forget to get a a T-shirt.)



At 11:42 AM, Blogger Charlie said...

Senators Biden and Hagel are two of the best voices in Washington on foreign policy and they have a tremendous amount of experience between them.

Personally I'd like to see Chuck Hagel in 2008, but I like Biden as well.


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