Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Great Moments in Nepali History: Episode XIII

Doctors Without Borders

The Thursday night started out like any other for the Nepali and his roommate. The Nepali was engaged in a galaxy far, far away slowly building up his powers in an attempt to establish a galactic empire. The roommate was busy drinking Bud Light and generally failing in his attempts to be "funny."

Suddenly there was a crash. And then a high-pitched yelp of pain. The Nepali shifted in his chair to see his roommate grasping his bleeding right thumb with a panic stricken look on his face. Next to the roommate were an unopened, plastic sealed bottle of Brazilian rum and a Swiss Army knife that had blood on the blade.

Leaping into action, the Nepali told his stunned roommate to put a towel over his thumb. The Nepali then led the near-hysterical roommate out of the dorm room and together they trekked across campus to the University hospital.

Once they arrived at the hospital, the Nepali immediately demanded that the roommate see the finest doctor availiable. Since it was 2 am in the morning, the best doctor was a second-year intern. The Nepali carefully monitored what the doctor was doing, making sure that the wound was cleaned thoroughly, the novacaine injected generously, and the stitches sewed neatly.

Thanks to the heroic efforts Nepali, the thumb was saved. Although his imperial desires had to be put on hold for the night, the Nepali did not hold a grudge for that would not be the noble thing to do.

Moral of the story: American college students are very, very dumb.



At 10:11 AM, Blogger albatross said...

I agree it wasnt the greatest.


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