Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Iron Irony

This "iron" is not made of iron but of "platinum treated stainless steel." Steel is a composite metal of iron mixed with carbon. It should be called an "iron and carbon composite with some platinum."

*Reveling in the levels of irony*



At 8:10 AM, Blogger albatross said...

Ok, from what Google is telling, irony is not an adjective. I move for it's addition to the English language however.

Would it be ironic if irony were an adjective? No, becuase it would be equivocating. It would fall more under potential puns than potential irony, but puns are also awesome.

How about is ironic was an adjective meaning made of iron, like the word metallic? In fact, the period of time known as the iron age could then be known as the ironic age, giving a whole new potential meaning to the era.


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