Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Gaydar? I think Sharper Image has it.

You can always count on Dana Milbank to have a sardonic take on the happenings of the day. Today is no exception with a biting ariticle on, I think the proper term is, disgraced Rep. Mark Foley. He delves into Speaker Hastert attempts to save his job. When a Republican is in trouble, Sean Hannity to the rescue:
Hannity had spent two hours accusing the Democrats of "dirty tricks" and "hypocrisy" and taking issue with the Washington Times' call for Hastert's head.

"I was shocked at the Washington Times today," he told Hastert, then got down to the questioning. "As you said, this is all brand new to you as of Friday?"

"Right," Hastert agreed.

Hannity asked if Hastert's foes had the Foley messages but "sat on them for political reasons."

"I just think it's awful strange," the speaker agreed.

Okay, the current Speaker of the House, two heartbeats away from the Presidency, just agreed with a talk-show radio host's conspiracy theory. That damn liberal media! Always out to expose sexual predators in my party! How dare they!
Hannity was not finished. "In all seriousness, how would you be responsible for what another congressman does on an instant message? How could you possibly know this kind of thing was going on?"

"We don't know," the speaker agreed.

Because the pages complained, and people told you of their complaints. that was an easy one, Sean. But I think Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah) has the best answer for that query:
Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah), according to the Deseret News, was driven to declare some of Foley's mannerisms "irritating," adding: "You don't need 'gaydar' to understand he has certain dispositions."

Denny needs to upgrade his "gaydar." Utah has always been on the cutting edge of this technology, even though the internal gaydar, hardwired into every Utahan (Utite? Ute?), is top of the line as well as demonstrated ever so aptly by Mr. Cannon.

Furthermore, I'm glad that "gaydar" has finally made it into our political discourse. I'm waiting anxiously for the day when Nancy Pelosi is described as an "urban cougar."


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