Almost Clever

Observations about life and stories that border on being funny and/or inspired.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fence? We Need A Wall!

Ahhhh, back to one of my favorite issues. Illegal immigration. I am just so sick in tired of seeing Spanish everywhere. I swear I can't even go into a Chipotle nowadays without hearing that revolting language. I prefer my burritos to be served by people who speak English. Makes me sick.

Anyways, people are speaking out against the fence that Congress recently approved. The upshot is that fences don't really work, juut look at San Diego as described in the article.
Currently, less than 100 miles of the border is fenced, primarily in populated areas. San Diego has become a symbol for the efficacy of fences, but a closer look at the experience of that seaside city also illustrates the potential pitfalls.

In the mid-1990s, the city was awash in illegal immigrants. Hundreds would gather by a soccer field near Otay Mesa, east of San Diego, and rush into the United States on what the Border Patrol termed "banzai runs." During those years, Border Patrol agents routinely apprehended 200,000 illegal entrants a year in the sector. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) got funding to build a fence and thousands more Border Patrol officers were dispatched to the area. The number of crossers plummeted.


The fence in San Diego forced illegal traffic into the deserts to the east, leading thousands of migrants to their death. In response, the Border Patrol shifted thousands of agents to Arizona to deal with the flow. But many of those agents came from the San Diego and El Centro sectors. So once again, the number of crossers in San Diego and El Centro is increasing even though the two sectors are the most heavily fenced in the nation.

"Tucson now has 2,600 agents. San Diego has lost 1,000 agents. Guess where the traffic is going? Back to San Diego." said T.J. Bonner, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, the main union for Border Patrol agents. "San Diego is the most heavily fortified border in the entire country, and yet it's not stopping people from coming across."

See a fence just doesn't cut it. What we need is a wall. The problem with a fence is that it is a two-dimensional thing. You can go over it, or cut through it. There is no meat, if you know what I mean. Now a wall, that has some depth. You can't cut through a wall. Especially if its 15 feet thick and made out of adamantium, which is indestructable once it is in solid form. Now that's what we need. A fifty foot high wall, fifteen feet thick made out of solid adamantium and that is electrified. And maybe a moat with sharks. With lasers. That'll solve the problem.

Remember "Good fences make good neighbors, but walls keep the invading hordes of foreigners from taking the jobs that we aren't willing to do."



At 1:16 PM, Blogger albatross said...

Here Ill do my best Daily Kos impression:

Source? Link? Or are you just pulling that quote out of your ass, you trolling rethug piece of shit. Or maybe you should be over in Iraq right now you chickenhawk. Just STFU you troll.

And now my RedState impression:

The media and the Democrats have built this up to be much bigger than it really is. The pages led him on. It was all a joke.


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